Restaurants in or close by to Bowness
These are just a few of the restaurants in and around Bowness so you can take a look at them and maybe book a table if you don’t want to be disappointed.It is a good idea to book if you are a large group and also if you are visiting at a busy time of year. Some places may not take bookings but at least you can look them up to see if you like what they are serving.
Italian Restaurants:
Porto 01539448242
Villa Positano 015394 45663
The Trattoria Great for families 015394 45786
Casual Dining/Pub Grub:
Baha BBQ/Steaks/Chicken Varied menu 015392 77515
The Flying Pig Traditional food/varied menu 015394 423023
Quayside Bar Traditional pub/varied menu Over looking Lake Windermere 015394 45001
Boardwalk Bar and GrillVaried menu Over looking Lake Windermere 015394 23007
The Angel Inn Pub Nice garden and varied menu 015394 44080
The Arts Bar Cosy pub meals with patio 015394 23334
The AlbertTraditional pub – known for its Fish and chips 015394 43241
Hole in Wall Known for it real ale 015294 43488
Magic Roundabout Funky café – varied menu 015394 43535
HyltonsContemporary restaurant 015394 43060
The Royal Oak Traditional pub with varied menu 015394 43970
Indian Restaurants:
Mela 015394 45777
Shahibs 015394 43944
House of Siam 015394 22412
Jintana 015394 45220
Out of Town:
The Wild Boar Smoke House and Grill 03332 203108
Gilpin Spice Asian fusion food (need to book) 015394 88818